Monday, October 15, 2012

Hiking the Colorado Trail Segments 10 and 11: Day 2

Day 2
Camp Stove
The first night for me is always a little weird.  I hear every little sound and my dreams are filled with being chased and eaten by large animals.  Having gone to bed so early we were up at the crack of dawn.  The bags kept us both really toasty despite the cold overnight temps.  Getting up, dressed and fed on wicked cold mornings, knowing you have to dip your hands into a wicked cold creek to get water, always takes a little extra internal motivation.  But we did it and we were on the trail by about 9 AM.

Most of the trail was tree covered and feeling good we hiked until almost 1PM before stopping on the trail for a warm lunch.  Somewhere along the way we passed by the path to Mt Massive and saw about 8 backpacks in a pile behind a boulder.  Guess they were summiting the 14er.  That wasn’t in our game plan. 

Camp Night 2
By about 3PM we’d found our camping spot for the night near Mill Creek (see map).  While exploring the area around our site, we found a really big site just up the hill from us.  Karl, always with a cell phone, turned it on and PRESTO … 4bars and 4G via Verizon.  We did a quick check of the weather and determined night 2 would be the coldest, with a low (for the town about 1500 feet below us) of 22 deg.  That was a little intimidating, but we had plenty of gear to keep us warm.


After an early dinner, we could feel the temp start to drop and we were decided to hunker down in the tent and playing cards. We both did what we could to insulate the water in our CamelBak and we were climbed in to our bags at like 6:30PM. 
Keeping warm playing cards
Keeping warm playing cards

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