Friday, September 14, 2012

Road to 2012 Masters Road Nationals: Day 6-11

Day 6: Sept. 6, 2012 - Masters Mens 35-39 110K Road Race
The start went well.  The weather was good and we rolled off in a neutral start.  I sat in the middle/back just watching and waiting.  A couple guys tried to go off the front early, and that was no big deal.  When we hit the first small climb the pace was fine for a while and then there was an attach I (and a few others) couldn't counter.  I figured I'd catch back on the decents and flats, but about a minute after the "neutral support" car moto passed I got a flat.  No spare.  No support.  I had to withdraw.

I rode back to the start with the Sweep did this post race ride
Dinner was a really good burrito from Super Burrito in downtown  Bend

Day 7: Sept. 7, 2012 - Bend, OR
Casual recovery ride with a couple openers.  Got some work done and some school work done and went to see Bourne in the evening.

Day 8:  Sept. 8, 2012 - Masters Mens 35-39 50K Criterium
Long story short ... the race started with about 60 and ended with about 25.  I got dropped about 5K in on after a large gap formed at the top of the shicane.  I had enough time to change and go to the finish and time laps.  They were holding about 1:16 - 1:19 per 1K lap.

Day 9:  Sept. 9, 2012 - Bend, OR to Sacramento, CA
Morning interval ride in Bend and then in the car for 8hrs to get to Sacramento.

Day 10:  Sept. 10, 2012 - Sacramento, CA to Park City, UT

I spent the morning at the REI in Sacramento doing a quick demo of the HeadsUp System at their morning huddle / staff meeting.  It went really well.

Rack-n-Road is only a few blocks away and a store that could definitely become a strong ally for HeadsUp.  It's also good to put a face with a name, so I visited with Tom at Rack N Road in Sacramento.  Great store.

Day 11:  Sept. 11, 2012 - Park City, UT to HOME
I got an early start and met my friend Maria in downtown Park City for a morning coffee at ATTICUS Coffee, Books and Teahouse.  It's been since 2007 since we saw each other and it was GREAT to catch up.  Before hitting the road I got a nice light ride in and then it was 9 hours home to Denver.

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