Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Road Trip Day 1: Denver to Durango June 2012

It's been a while since I've taken a leisurely solo road trip.  So I decided to combine a work trip with a fun trip and drive out to Southern CA.  The plan ... visit shops, visit with Insulindependence at their U of IN as UCSD, and visit friends in Orange County and in LA.

Day 1:  Drive from Denver to Durango.
bikes on top of HeadsUp Subaru
I was happy to escape the 100+ temps in Denver.  I got a later start than I originally planned but with the bikes (road and track) on the roof, a car full of gear and a plan what could go wrong.  Day 1 went well.  I got to Durango later than I planned and it was just at hot there as it was in Denver, but I went over my favorite passes and into the town of Silverton, CO.  I was hoping I'd have time to ride the pass, but it was to hot to ride when I arrived and I was getting over a wicked sinus infection so I waited until morning.  I was still quite sick in the AM, but got a couple hours on the bike in the much cooler early morning before hitting the road again.

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