Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Eastern Sierra Double Century 2016

This year I decided to return to my cycling “roots” and complete at least one double century.  It’s been 13 years since my last one.

In preparation, I completed 2 centuries, the Malibu Grand Fondo and the Salt Lake City Grand Fondo.   I’ve not had 2 more different cycling experiences. 

Coupling the centuries with decent hill training here in SLC, I felt relatively prepared for the EasternSierra Double.  But I made a mistake at the start that cost me dearly. 

I started on time, at about 5:45 AM, but misread the route sheet, missing the first turn 0.4 miles in to the day. I went 6 miles South on US 395 before I realized my mistake.  The 12-mile mistake cost me between 35 and 40 minutes. I humped it to Check Point 1, only to miss the cut off by about 15 minutes, which means I had no easy way to refresh my bottles.  I made up time pushing it to Check Point 2 and made the cut off by 5 minutes. I got my bottles refreshed, ate a peanut butter bagel I’d prepared earlier and refilled my pockets with gels. I felt confident I could continue to make up time if I pushed hard to Check Point 3, but at about mile 64, on the outskirts of Mammoth Lakes, a wave of nausea hit. I wretched several times before deciding to turn around at mile 70. Between the nausea and the calculation that I’d probably miss the next couple check points, therefore being unsupported or self-supported for another 120 miles, I decided to turn around and head back to Bishop. Of note, it’s not all down hill.

I followed the route back taking one long stop at the Crowley library where I was able to refill my bottles. I just had to get to Bishop and slowly I did. According to my Garmin, the temp reached 111 degrees at some points but was easily 100 most of the way back. It wasn’t fun. My total mileage for the day was about 120 miles.  I’m satisfied I didn’t have to get driven back to Bishop, but disappointed I didn’t complete the route.  I plan to return in 2017.

Plan for 2017: start at 05:00 and follow the route.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Red Velvet Cupcakes with Red Hot Cream Cheese Frosting

This is a double recipe.  1/2 makes enough frosting for 24 cupcakes.

For the Cream Cheese Frosting:

1 pound cream cheese, softened
2 sticks butter, softened (or white shortening)
1 teaspoon CLEAR vanilla extract
4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar

In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese, butter and vanilla together until smooth.
Add the sugar and on low speed, beat until incorporated. Increase the speed to high and mix until very light and fluffy.

I doubled the recipe and added 25 drops of Red-Hot Cinnamon Oil. 
(Where I bought the oil: cakecrafts.net )
I started tasting after 15 drops and every 5 drops to get the right taste. 
I'm was looking for a hint of cinnamon not for an over-powering burn.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Review of Custom Envelope Sleeve

Awesome yet again

By Tom from Denver, CO on 2/1/2013


5out of 5

Pros: Lightweight, High Quality, Stylish

Best Uses: Traveling, School, Daily Use

Describe Yourself: Stylish, Practical

Primary use: Personal

Was this a gift?: No

I use it to protect my new MacBook Air (either in my suit case or carry on) and it does the job really well.
The only addition I'd make is a sleeve inside where I can slip a business card (or a bunch of cards).


Monday, January 14, 2013

Quinoa Breakfast - Monday Jan 14, 2013

Today's tasty breakfast:
Quinoa reheated in a little milk with frozen blueberries, frozen peaches, and raisins; topped with a little cinnamon, salt, and maple syrup.

Got the idea from The Feed Zone Cookbook